

The Association of Infant and Special Nutrition (SEPTEDE) protects your personal data and your privacy when you browse this website (hereinafter referred to as the website).

This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are and how they are used by this website. Further, it provides information about the types of cookies used by SEPTEDE, the information collected with them and how they are used by the Association.

By using the SEPTEDE website you agree that it may use cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

For more information about protecting your privacy, we refer you to our Privacy Policy.


What are cookies

Identification cookies are self-installing text files with short content, which are stored permissibly on the computer of the user visiting a website. They make it easier for the website to remember information from each user’s visit, to make it more useful for the user on their next visit. Cookies are sent from a website to the user’s terminal equipment on the first visit to the website and are sent backwards on the user’s subsequent visits to the same website.

The cookies from this website are used to identify the user and through statistical data to improve the services provided to the user, such as the provision of personalised services. The harmless collection of non-personal information and data that do not reveal the user’s identity in any way, contributes to the faster and more efficient operation of our website through statistical evaluations and comparative observations and, in general, to the optimization of the services offered by this website.

The technical storage of cookies is allowed with the user’s consent, which may be given through appropriate settings in the web browser or through another application, for the purposes of transmitting a communication, providing a service explicitly requested by the user and for the processing purposes mentioned above. The user may delete the cookie files from his terminal equipment at any time. However, we inform you that doing so may have an impact on the ease of access to the website and may lead to reduced functionality of the website.





Types of cookies

There are two main categories of cookies:


Temporary cookies (session cookies) which are deleted immediately after the end of the browser and/or after closing the browser,

Persistent cookies, which remain in your browser for a certain period of time or until you delete them.

In addition, depending on whether cookies are created and controlled by the website operator or by other parties, they are divided into “proprietary” cookies and “third party” cookies.

SEPTEDE uses temporary cookies and permanent cookies for the better management of its websites. SEPTEDE uses proprietary cookies, third party cookies, such as the Google Analytics statistics service.


Use of cookies

This website accesses and stores cookies and related technologies on your computer. We use cookies for a number of reasons.

Α. Essential/ Necessary Cookies. These cookies do not recognize your individual identity.

  1. Functionality and analytics cookies: The use of cookies to analyse user activity serves to improve our website and provide personalised services (e.g. by remembering your preferences for safe search, or to make it easier for you to browse the website, and so on). Improving the functionality of the SEPTED website through the use of cookies enhances the browsing experience for the visitor. Through cookies and similar applications, information about users can be collected such as browser type, server, language chosen by the user, preferences, searches and geographical location of the user.

Cookies are used for statistical purposes in order to determine which areas of the website are useful and popular. In the case of links to other websites, the website is not responsible for the conditions of management and protection of personal data that they follow.

  1. Security Cookies: Finally, cookies may also be used for security purposes (prevention of cyber attacks and any other malicious activity).



How to delete cookies

To find out more about the types of cookies and how you can manage cookies, you can visit: If you refuse the use of cookies it is possible that some features of this website may not function properly.


Updates to the Cookies Policy

SEPTEDE may amend this Cookies Policy from time to time to comply with regulatory changes or in order to meet the needs of its operation and its legal obligations. Updated versions of this Policy will be posted on our website with a date indicator so that it is known which is the most recently updated version.

Review: March 2024